Frequently Asked Questions

  • The Hippo 90 range and the Hippo 60 range of water-filled cofferdams are designed for controlled water depths of up to 60cm and 90cm respectively. This is an important factor… to confirm the suitability of the HippoDam ranges for your project.

  • Both the Hippo 60 and Hippo 90 range of water-filled cofferdams come in standard lengths of 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 meters. Dams can be joined together with the HippoDam collaring system so that longer lengths – and angled turns - can be achieved.

  • No problem! A longer HippoDam can be unrolled as it inflates with water across the watercourse to the required length. Any excess length is then secured (e.g., with rope) in its unrolled state and left elevated and on top of the HippoDam.

  • Most HippoDam operators either use a pair of 3” submersible pumps, 110V (e.g., Tsurumi HS3.75S Drainage Pump from Henry Pumps:, or a pair of 3” petrol centrifugal water pumps (e.g., the Clarke PS75A Petrol Powered 3” Semi-Trash Water Pump from MachineMart:

    Reciprocating pumps, and water pumps larger than 4” are not recommended.

    It is essential to fill both sides of your HippoDam simultaneously, otherwise, the waterdam’s stability and effectiveness will be compromised. If only one pump is available, Potamii can supply a 3” steel, flow-splitter (available as an optional extra).

    Please get in touch with us to discuss your requirements.

  • An affiliate company, W AIRS Ltd., runs the HippoDam Experienced User Assistance Program and suggests the following Recommended Equipment List:

    You should consider:

    1. A pair of 3” (three-inch) matched centrifugal water pumps or similar. (NB: reciprocating pumps are NOT recommended). If only one pump is available, it should be fitted with a pump flow splitter to enable equal inflation of both sides of your Hippo dam simultaneously.

    Electric submersible pumps are acceptable (but do not forget any additional couplings required for your pipework, etc). Example: Clarke PS75A Petrol Powered 3” Semi-Trash Water Pump from Machine Mart.

    2. Good quality pipework for the above, e.g., rigid siphon hose with strainer and foot valve and 3” layflat delivery hose.

    3. A good supply of 12-15 mm polypropylene rope (at least 5 times the length of your Hippo dam.

    4. Anti-pollution plant/drip trays.

    5. A good quantity of gaffer/duct tape & hand tools.

    6. If an in-water deployment is anticipated, including the surveying for, and clearance of, submerged debris, suitable personal protective and lifesaving equipment plus a sheath knife for each operative.

    7. Marking spray paint to indicate the maximum controlled water (MCD) level on the side of the installed Hippo dam.

    Please contact W AIRS Ltd.:

    +44 777 4489527 |

  • A HippoDam is manufactured to be robust. The water is contained within a heavy-duty, polyethylene, inner liner, within a fitted, puncture- and tear-resistant, geotextile envelope.

    Due to the nature of the work a Hippo dam is designed for, damage can occur. The most common time for major damage is when plant machinery is used to pull a HippoDam from a watercourse before it is empty, which should be avoided.

    Potami Ltd. supplies HippoDam Repair Kits for smaller holes and minor damage. Potami also offers a HippoDam repair service and liner replacement service.

    Please contact us for further details.

  • The installed width of a HippoDam is approximately 2.1 metres for the ‘60’ models and approximately 2.9 metres for the ‘90’ range.

    Being - essentially - a "bag of water", please note that a HippoDam can typically be squeezed to fit through a narrower gap. This is a particularly important feature for flood protection around buildings, etc., e.g. passing through a gateway…

  • We manufacture, sell and supply the HippoDam and HippoFlood range of water-filled cofferdams. We do not have a hire/rental facility.